We welcome news stories from the parish for the News & Events page of the new website. Have you been to the pantomime, on a pilgrimage, or attended an inter-faith event? We want your photos and your stories! We can provide professional editing, so don't be shy if you don't consider yourself a "writer". Your story is valuable! Alternately, you may want to share your journey in faith to encourage others. Has your faith helped you overcome adversity, or revealed a new path in life? We'd love to hear about it! Thank you for sharing your stories. Please send your stories and photos to the Parish Office.
Wednesday July 14th saw 45 Parishioners & Fr. Keiron set off for a day out to Filey ! The sun shone, the sea sparkled , the ice creams & waffles were enjoyed & we all had a wonderful day - finishing off with Fish ‘ n chips on the way home. We all agreed we just need to stay longer in Filey next year ! ~ text and images courtesy of Joanna Jackson
A beautiful Harvest festival was celebrated at St Aidan’s 11am Mass on Sunday 3rd October. It was a real joy to share together such an uplifting day of prayer, song and friendship. There was a wealth of autumn colour with flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables and even some ‘visitors’ from a local farm! Mass was followed by a delicious freshly cooked Harvest Lunch presented by four of our wonderful ladies who had worked tirelessly to give us all a special day to remember. This was our first social occasion since the beginning of covid and raised so many spirits. We pray now that, God willing, it will be the first of many.~ text and images courtesy of Janet Cook
“Let us sing as we go. May our struggles and our concerns for the planet never take away the joy of our hope”. (Laudato Si).
During the SEASON OF CREATION last September members of this Cafod climate campaign group (some 50 parishioners, including school contacts) successfully organised a week of events to raise awareness of the Cafod Campaign ‘CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME’, the subtitle of Pope Francis’s 2015 letter LAUDATO SI. The intention was to build on that in 2020. No-one foresaw the pandemic. The virus still takes took up most, if not all, our attention; concern for climate justice was put on hold. But the climate emergency has not gone away, it has gathered force. The need to address it is even more urgent.
Three of us in the parish, followed an on-line summer course organised by the CATHOLIC GLOBAL CLIMATE MOVEMENT (Based in Rome) to become LAUDATO SI ANIMATORS – or “advocates”.
We now invite you to remain in the CAFOD group as members of a LAUDATO SI NETWORK - to be opened up to all parishioners – gathered round Pope Francis’s 3-fold pledge:
WHAT CAN WE DO? Many have their hands full coping with the demands imposed by the virus. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO REMAIN A MEMBER OF THIS GROUP - JUST LET US KNOW. YOUR NAME WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE MAILING LIST.
We ask you to support us with your prayers, as we will remember you in ours.
Thank you - Ann West (annabel7543@yahoo.co.uk), Fiona Phipps (fiona@macvane.com) David Jackson (dandt43@gmail.com)
While the live-streamed 9.15 Sunday Mass will continue to be broadcast as long as the coronavirus continues to pose a risk to health, the churches have now been opened up to a regular Mass schedule where Masses can take place with a live congregation. Attendance at the Vigil and Sunday Masses must be pre-booked in order to comply with Covid-19 restrictions. This can be done by using the Parish social distancing Onliine Booking System, it's simple, it's quick and easy to use. Weekday Masses are generally under-attended and therefore no booking is required. Anyone who does not feel ready to participate in the live Mass can continue to join in by watching the live broadcast each week. Fr Keiron is able to do garden visits to hear confession or bring communion on request. Thank you to everyone for your compliance in helping to keep us all safe and healthy..
Dec 6th 2020 Angelus prayer Pope Francis
On the 22nd March, The parish of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross saw the first non-participant Mass celebrated at St. Walburga's church. The fact that we could not be present to celebrate this Laudate Sunday , which is also Mothering Sunday, may have saddened many people in the Parish. However, as Mr. Rogers used to say, in times of crisis, look for the helpers. In this case Richard Halfpenny was the helper who arranged live video streaming of the 9.15 Mass via the parish FaceBook Page. Thank you Richard for helping to keep the parish family engaged and connected during difficult times. We have now added the video to the parish web page to ensure the widest possible distribution and access.
Important! On a desktop or tablet, pause the video before closing window, otherwise audio will continue to play
Important! On a desktop or tablet, pause the video before closing window, otherwise audio will continue to play
Some life changes we can all make to reduce our carbon footprint and fight global warming.
Part 1
wash clothes & towels only when dirty
Part 2
use renewable water bottles
Part 1
buy, eat, waste less
Part 2
replace tops on pens
Part 1
eat less meats
Part 2
avoid veg in plastic
Part 1
use old undies & old towels for floor cloths
Part 2
take plastic bread bags to recycle centers
Part 1
save water don't overfill the kettle and take showers
Part 2
take crisp bags to recycle centers
Part 1
launder with eco-egg
Part 2
reuse plastic shopping bags
Part 1
turn lights off when not in use
Part 2
return cat food pouches for reuse
Part 1
think before buying electricals
Part 2
buy fair trade products
Part 1
never bin good old clothes donate to charity
Part 2
buy organic food
Part 1
buy no more books till you've read all the books you have
Part 2
campaign for shops and supermarkets to reduce carbon emissions
Part 1
for a year do not buy any new clothes – use charity shops
Part 2
campaign for school canteens to reduce carbon emissions
Part 1
for Xmas buy soap-on-a-rope not shower-sets
Part 2
ask your MP to support carbon reduction & zero emission policies
Pope Francis reminds us to celebrate the Season of Creation.
The Season of Creation from September 1st to October 4th, 2020
Pope Francis invites you to take part in the Season of Creation. Join thousands of Catholics around the world and unite to protect our common home.
The light of our faith and the wisdom of Scripture reveal the Mystery of the Universe and the message of each creature in the Harmony of Creation. “The universe in all its manifold relationships shows forth the inexhaustible riches of God” (86) The universal presence of Christ is hidden in all creation (john 1:1-18) and is made visible in Jesus, the Christ. He lived in full harmony with creation: ‘What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?’ (98)
CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME – GENERATIONS UNITE. “The cry of the earth, the cry of the poor”. Climate change is disproportionately affecting the poor now, hence CAFOD’s focus. The Leeds Diocese has been asked to follow up our September efforts by linking parishes with youngsters in four schools in the poorest areas of Lima, Peru. This is fortunate - since Fr Gerry Hanlon our ‘home grown’ priest has worked for over 50 years in Peru, both in the Amazon region and in Lima. Pupils on the poorest fringes of Lima are planting trees to assuage the effects of climate change. We are asked to write PRAYERS on PRAYER CARDS to show our support. We are also asked to petition our PM (via Cafod) to adopt measures which will slow climate change. ALL DETAILS of the campaign and Show More...how we can get involved will be available in the porches of both our churches. GENERATIONS UNITE - We hope to encourage pupils in our schools in particular to learn about and support with prayers the actions of their generation of pupils in the four schools of Lima. The success of our parish week in September relied on a grand CAFOD support group. If you want to join in this time round in planning this campaign – MOST WELCOME – contact me, David Jackson (Parish CAFOD CAMPAIGN Contact) – 01274 581094 or 07810111880. THANK YOU....Show Less
Winter Shelter February 24th – March 2nd 2020
The notes from the Leaders Meeting are on the Noticeboard in both Churches. The Rota for ‘Volunteers needed’ (not the Food one) is also available. If you can help please write initials and no personal details (data protection guidelines). Please email me teresa.xfenham@btinternet.com. Send a Text or better still contact me on What’s App (07538755976) or phone 01274581095 and leave a message. Please always tell me your full name (avoids confusion) or leave a note in the sacristy.
Oberammergau 2020
Start planning now for the trip of a lifetime! The Oberammeragau Passion play commemorating the village's salvation from the bubonic plague in 1634 is performed every ten years. There are places available on Pax Travel's coach trip from 16th - 22nd September 2020. The cost is £1179 per person. Please email Bernadette Cawley on: blivesey@outlook.com or ring her on: 01274 826343 for a brochure.
The Shipley Christians Together (CTS)
Celebrate the Season of Creation with our fellow Christians in Shipley! The Shipley Christians Together (CTS) online service on the theme of Creation will be broadcast on YouTube at 6.30 pm this Sunday, September 20th from St Walburga's church and is being produced and led by Fr Keiron.
Shipley Christians Together
CTS Archive
Some Inspiring and Movitional videos
Laudato Si' Week from May 16th to 24th, 2020
Pope Francis invites you to celebrate Laudato Si' Week. Join thousands of Catholics around the world and unite to protect our common home.
Holy Week from April 5 to 11, 2020
Parish Garden Party/BBQ Saturday 7th September 2019
The Parish Garden Party was held this year at St Aidan’s between 11.00am and 3.00pm. A total of £2,224 was raised. Thank you for everyone who helped to make this enjoyable event so successful.
Easter Flowers
Flower arrangement for Easter.
Some beautiful Eastertide flower arrangements from the two churches of the Parish.
Visit to one of Bradford's historic places of worship
Bradford Tree of Life Synagogue
Fr Keiron and parishioners were part of a group organised by the Bradford Interfaith Prayers for Peace invited by the congregation of the Bradford Tree of Life Synagogue to attend their Sabbath Morning Service on 23rd March. The Synagogue is a beautiful but often overlooked building on Bowland Street in Manningham. It has long played a leading role in building interfaith relations in the district, out of all proportion to the size of its membership.
Rabbi Douglas Charing of Leeds led the service and Rudi Leavor, the well known Cantor the singing. The words of the service in both Hebrew and English took us immediately into the religious origins of Jesus and of our own liturgy, in its prayers, use of the Psalms and readings from the Torah scrolls, the whole a reverent and moving expression of the abiding faith of our Jewish neighbours in the living and joyful presence of the Word of God in Scripture.
Our visitors stood round the reading Desk at the end of the service with its Hebrew words: “The Tree of Life” a reference to the life and joy to be found in hearing the words of God in the Torah. In October 2018, eleven worshippers were gunned down at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The formerly named ‘Bradford Synagogue ‘ decided to change its name to ‘The Tree if Life Bradford Synagogue’ in a linked memorial to those who died in America. With thanks to the Bradford Jewish Community and the Bradford Interfaith Prayers for Peace for what was a much appreciated experience and share in the life of our Jewish friends.
Winter Shelter 2020
Some of the treats on offer.
Winter Shelter 2019
Volunteers have fun in the kitchen.
Another successful Winter Shelter week came to end during the first week in March when we bid our guests goodbye for another year.
Each year our parish hosts a shelter for up to twelve homeless individuals in St Aidan's church hall. This is part of an interdenominational charity called Innchurches . Volunteers are involved in driving the minibus that collects the guests each evening, in cooking breakfasts, in providing delicious home cooked evening meals each day and in providing night support. Guests are also provided with games and entertainment, a visit from a GP and a complementary pedicure.
Parishioners who are unable to volunteer contribute through a collection and by praying for the success of the week. Our guests are on a journey back to a more regular life. While we and all the other churches offer them a home over the winter the Innchurches charity is sorting out their long terms needs, jobs, housing and help with other problems.
Guests and volunteers alike have enjoyed a wonderful uplifting week in which we have been able to demonstrate our love for our fellow man in Jesus' name.
Children of the parish enjoy meeting the panto stars.
Around 90 parishioners, both young and old had a wonderful time at the parish trip to the panto. We all enjoyed a fantastic afternoon with ice cream in the interval and lots of laughs. The panto was excellent with audience participation and plenty of songs to join in with. The altar servers really love this treat and are looking forward to next year already!
Our Parish Stories section is a WIP and under construction. This section will be populated as and when contents become available.
From ICN February 28
The Bishop of Salford reaffirms call for parishes to continue taking action on climate change. The Bishop of Salford, John Arnold, has written to parishes in the Diocese of Salford suggesting they use the Season of Lent to consider how they respond practically and personally to the urgent situation of climate change see more ...
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GEE SEVEN sing with the world a toe-tapping new song by Sir Tim Rice and Peter Hobbs for 'Sing2G7' with Truro Cathedral Choristers
HAPPY EARTH DAY EVERYDAY Look after our planet for you for me and for future generations to come, play the animation below and see how you can contribute
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